Is it Good vs. Bad or is it Love vs. Hate?

2 papers, one with Good, one with Bad written on themAre there such things as bad people?  I think I would get a lot of reactions including people being outraged at this question.  “Of course there are bad people.”  How could you say that?  The clearest example is Hitler, right?

Well, wait for just a minute.  I am human, too.  I myself have a lot of charge and emotion at the mention of Hitler.  After all, I am a Jew and outraged at the Holocaust.

Now let’s step back.  Let’s step way, way back.  Let’s try a perspective of looking at life and human beings.

Once upon a time, there were souls made of energy, light, goodness, and unconditional love.  For the souls to expand, they come to the earth and live inside physical bodies to face challenges and evolve and grow.

The physical body consisting of the brain knows it can die and is interested in surviving. So it is designed to perceive limitations to stay safe for survival.

The world of survival involves comparison and competition.  The language in the world of survival includes words of comparison and competition like better than, worse than, good, bad, right, wrong, true, false, less than, or better than, etc.  In the world of comparison, we have learned to put value judgments on everything including black, white, Jew, Muslim, Christian, tall, short, millennials, boomers, and so on.

As we get deeper into ideology and beliefs of right and wrong and deeper in the world of survival, we value life based on certain principles and ideals and standards. We developed belief systems about how we value life and people.  As we get more connected with our souls we value each and every human life as a miracle to be cherished.

So where are we in the spectrum now? The spectrum from loving and cherishing every life to placing a value on a human life and treating someone less than or better than.

I decided to place my anger against Hitler aside and be curious.  He was a human.  How did this human think?  So I read his quotes, some of which are:

“If you win, you need not have to explain…If you lose, you should not be there to explain!”

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

Reportedly, Hitler hated Judaism and he loathed Christianity too.  Hate and Loathing appears to have been what was running him.

So what if it is the absence of love in a human being that causes him or her to hurt another. What if it is a belief system that you learn growing up to fill the void?

Is our criminal justice system a human value judgment system?  Is it humane?  Does it value human life? Does it limit the value of a human life?  Does it work?

Is it void of love?

Love Heals.  Simple.

When we use human lives for power or financial gain, that is slavery.  Simple

The majority of people in prison come from poor neighborhoods who cannot afford bail or proper criminal defense.

It is time to change.

It is time to bring love and have our systems be lead from love.

The blame game is inside the survival world

Every human is worthy of love and guidance to self-love.

Contact me if you want to support a new system of Restorative Justice.

Michelle Daneshrad
Contact me HERE

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